Monday, October 28, 2013

Liferay 6.2 - An Overview

Recently I attended Liferay North America Symposium 2013. Everyone kinda knew that the next Liferay release will be unveiled at the symposium. But we were all guessing if this will be called 6.2 or 7. But I guess Liferay was feeling generous and ended up calling it 6.2.

When you look at the features and enhancements packed into this release you would also agree with me that Liferay was being generous by not making it a major release.

Here are some of the 6.2 features I made note of during the symposium. And I am sure there's a lot more to this. Right now I am playing with the latest 6.2 CE edition. In coming weeks I will elaborate on these features and add more to the list as and when I come across any new feature.

Liferay 6.2

  1. European UI (light and modern)
  2. Responsive Design (Boothstrap 2.3.2)
  3. Alloy UI 2.0
  4. Comprehensive Mobile Support (with all new mobile sdk)
  5. Plugin Sand-boxing
  6. Recycle Bin
  7. Improved Site Publication
  8. Folder Structure Support for Web Contents
  9. Greater Internationalization (i18n) Support
  10. Several Performance Improvements
  11. ...
  12. ...
I also took some time out of the symposium and went around town with my camera. I must say that SFO is a beautiful town. I will post them in a separate blog.


  1. I'm glad that you had a good experience at Liferay Symposium! I would love to see some of the great shots you got walking around "The City"

    Here are some of mine from a recent California Trip

    1. Awesome shots Kenneth. I have already posted some of them on Night Photography Community over G+. Would love to see your feedback on those.
